Below is a list of restrictions and limitations that apply to garage sales in the Sutherland Shire Council area. What you can see is pretty much a copy and paste of the information that was provided to me by the Sutherland Shire Council. I suggest you use this information as a rough guide only and double check to be sure.
Are permits required? No.
Are there any laws controlling the posting of garage sale signs? No - As long as the signs are on private property.
Are there limits as to how many garage sales can be held each year? No - However, Council would need to give consideration if the amount of garage sales became such an extent that it was considered trading as a business.
Are there limits on the times of day that garage sales can be held? No - However, the noise pollution provisions of the 'Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997' will apply.
What kinds of items can be sold? Unwanted household items originating from the subject premises and that are not of a commercial nature.
Are there laws about using the footpath in front of the person's house? Yes - The Local Government Act, 1993 provisions may apply if the footpath is obstructed or an encroachment is occurring to the extent that the footpath was blocked etc.
Is there any other relevant information that you feel garage sale holders should know? Residents are encouraged to contact their Local Council and to enquire as to the above.
Are there any pages on Council's web site that details issues relating to garage sales? No.
The rules on this website may be outdated or wrong. It is your own responsibility to make sure that you adhere to the current rules and regulations that apply to garage sales in your area.