Below is a list of restrictions and limitations that apply to garage sales in the Bankstown Council area. What you can see is pretty much a copy and paste of the information that was provided to me by the Bankstown Council. I suggest you use this information as a rough guide only and double check to be sure.
Garage sales are recognised as popular community events and are not opposed by this and no doubt other Councils however we have unfortunately had a few instances of regular garage sale businesses operating which have result in complaints from nearby residents. Such 'business' use is prohibited on residential properties and can result in the issue of formal Environmental Planning & Assessment Act Orders to cease and the issue of $1,500 penalty notices for non compliance.
Garage sales can be held 4 days( not 4 weekends ) per year maximum. Any more than 4 days per year are deemed to be a business and subject to the aforementioned action.
Signs in public areas including pole signage is not permitted however it is accepted that this does occur and provided they are removed promptly after the sale date and/or do not cause interference to the public are not enforced. Similarly goods for sale must be displayed and kept within the property boundaries.
There are no limitation on days/times however sellers should be mindful of possible noise, parking or other implications on neighbours therefore reasonable start/finish times should apply.
No permits are required.
The rules on this website may be outdated or wrong. It is your own responsibility to make sure that you adhere to the current rules and regulations that apply to garage sales in your area.